Dear Family and Friends,
It has been a great week here in Stockholm. We decided before last week that we would have a Dedication Week for ourselves to get remotivated to work hard in 2010. It turned out to be awesome. As I think I have mentioned, our progressing investigators have all kind of gone we did a lot of finding work last week. We spent many hours out contacting people on the streets, on the metro, knocking on doors, and any other way you can think of. As we went through the week, we tried to take every opportunity to invite people to learn about the gospel. Our goal was to find 3 new investigators last week. Well, despite all of our efforts we didn't have one new investigator when we went to church yesterday. We had also continued to pray to the Lord and direct our efforts.
Miracle #1
Well, when we got to church, Baasa, one of the new members of the church came and brought her non-member boyfriend. We have met him before but he was not so interested in the church. To our the end of Sacrament meeting he said that he would like to stay for sunday school. We then invited him to meet with us during the week to learn more about the church, and he accepted.
Miracle #2
This miracle starts about 2 weeks ago. We got a referral from the office for a married couple who were contacted by a missionary in Spain a couple of weeks ago. We got the referral and tried calling last week to set up an appointment with Carlos and Clara. Well, middle of this week we set up an appt. to visit them last night. When we went there, they began to express their desire to come closer to God to help their marriage and relationship. They both want to be better people...when Clara asked if we wanted some tea, we told her we only drink herbal tea....she reponded with, "That's all we drink in our house." As the evening progressed, we found out that they are really seeking a relationship with God. We invited them to read the Book of Mormon, and we set up a return appointment with them. It was amazing!
My point with these examples is that Sis. Swenson and I contacted many people during the week who we tried to meet with and continued to work hard to find those 3 investigators. It is an incredible testimony builder that on Sunday...the last day of the week, that we would find our 3 investigators in situations where we did nothing to deserve them. I have no doubt that the Lord runs this work. He is aware of us, where we are, what we are doing, and then after he sees that we are willing to do whatever it takes to help in the work, he blesses us with miracles.
We had an awesome dedication week....and today is the beginning of Dedication Week returns. We only have a week and a half left in the transfer and we are going to work as hard as we can this last several days to find and teach as many as possible. I don't know what transfers brings, but we have a lot going on here. We started Swedish and English classes this last week, and we will start going to several high schools here in Stockholm to teach English classes there. We have new investigators and will continue to support and help our other investigators to progress.
I know this is the Lord's church on the earth. I was able to speak in church yesterday about the Holy Ghost, and I know that He does witness to us of the truth in our lives. We have the authority of the Savior Jesus Christ on the earth, and we are blessed for our faithfulness. I hope you have all had a good week. I hope this next week continues to be wonderful. I am happy and healthy and excited for what the future brings. We will also get to visit the temple this week...which I'm very excited about. :)
Have a wonderful week!
Sister Suzanne Wood
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