Dear Family and Friends,
This week has gone by SO fast! I can't believe it's transfers tomorrow. I have my last transfer beginning...and I will be moving...and to my great astonishment...I will be moving for the first time in a year...out of the Stockholm District. Any guesses where I'm going?? Anybody?? Oh don't know what my options are. Well, I'll just tell you all where I'm going:
You may all be wondering where that is...or why I am so excited about the change. For those of you who have been following my mission, I have spent the vast majority of it in the Stockholm area. And now, I am moving to the lowest part of Sweden that Sister missionaries can go. Lund is in an area called Skåne. It is just a ferry ride away from Denmark! I will have the opportunity to learn a new's called Skånska. Let me explain. It is not the Swedish I have been speaking for the last 16 months. This is a CRAZY version of it that has tons of Danish influence. I am probably going to feel like a greenie contacting the people in this area of Sweden. I'll have to say...what was that??? like 5 times before I understand what they are saying. It will be awesome!
I will be serving in Lund with Sister Sumner. She has been in Lund for the last 4 months with Sister companion from the MTC. I am really excited to serve with her. Lund is also a University there is a YSA Center there...similar to the one I was working with in Stockholm, and many University students to talk to. I'm totally excited. Not to mention I will have the opportunity to see a different landscape and see how it is on the south side. :)
I have to admit, that even though I am very excited to move and see some new things, and meet new, wonderful people, that I am sad to leave Uppsala. I love this city! The ward I have been working with is made up of the quirkiest, best people, and I will miss them terribly. There are also a couple of new converts that I have been working a lot with and will miss as well. Philippe and Sam. They are great!
We had the opportunity to have 8 BYU exchange students here in Uppsala the last couple of weeks. They have been here learning Swedish, so we've had good sized Sunday School classes, and great FHE activities with them. It was really fun to have some visitors here in Uppsala. Everything is still going well with Solomon...he will be getting baptized in 2 long as he can get to church. He often works on Sundays, so we are trying to get that figured out. I've loved working with Sis. Virkamäki!!!! She is awesome! We have had a lot of fun together this transfer, and I have really grown to love her, and will miss her very much.
I hope that all of you are doing well! I hope that the summer is warm...for those of you in the south...hope it's not TOO warm! ;) I know that this is the Lord's work. I feel confidence that I am needed in Lund to help the work move forward there. I know that the Leaders of the Church make their decisions under the direction of the Spirit and that we can trust in their counsel!
I love you all! Take care, and have a great week!!!
Sister Suzanne Wood
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